What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of subtle energy healing that works with life force energy, otherwise known as "ki" in Japanese.  The “Rei” in Reiki generally translates to universal and “Ki” refers to life energy.  This type of energy work can go by other names such as chi, life force energy, prana, orgone energy, and élan vital; and science refers to it as biofield energy.   Different cultures have had their own ways of working with these energies since ancient times, but "Reiki" is among the most common term and method used today.  It was first developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1922 and brought to the West in 1937 by Hawayo Takata.  William Lee Rand integrated and marketed their methods further in the 1990's and 2000's.


When one's life force energy is low, it is more difficult to deal with stress.  This can cause loss of sleep, weakened immune system, and a higher susceptibility to illness.

When one's life energy is strong, strength and vitality returns, and one can more easily deal with stress.

Reiki sessions increase a person’s supply of life force energy.  This energy is osmotic, conscious, respectful of free will.  They often involve a balancing of energy systems within the subtle bodies called "chakras."

What are Chakras?

There is a powerful unseen life force energy within you that flows through your physical body via chakras.  Chakras are energy centers nourishing your cells and
organs along the way, all the while maintaining your overall health, vitality and wellness.

When you life force energy gets disturbed, weakened or blocked, the affected tissues and organs within your body can restrict their function, adversely affecting your health at best, causing major disease at worst.

Using a well-tuned level of consciousness and a series of defined hand gestures, a skilled Reiki practitioner works to infuse much needed life force energy into the disrupted chakra field.  Once the Reiki healer has cleaned the blocked energy field, it flows naturally, restoring normal function.  This can help one develop conscious awareness, release withheld emotions and energy blocks and create a sense of overall balance.